Danielle Quade

> More about me

Hey there, welcome to my page! My name is Danielle "Dani" Quade and I am a 3rd Grade ELAR Teacher in a small town just southeast of Dallas called Eustace! I am also an assistant softball coach for our High School softball program.

I am in my 5th year of teaching this year and what a year it has been! My favorite ​childhood memory is reading and playing "school" with friends and getting to learn so many tips and tricks from my grandmother who taught for over 30 years. I enjoy working with kids, they inspire me to be better every day and they keep me on my toes, that's for sure!

I graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2016 with a bachelor's in Elementary Education. In undergrad I was involved in Younglife and Alpha Chi Omega, Axe' Em Jacks! I am currently working towards my master's in Educational Technology Leadership through Lamar University, Go Cards!

When I'm not teaching I love spending time with family and friends, working out, and getting in a round of golf whenever I can. I have had a personal interest in digital learning and technology ever since undergrad. As I progress through my education to help further my career I hope to help teachers, students, and families on how technology can better enhance learning both in and outside of classroom. Technology is such a great resource to help continue being a lifelong learner!

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